

Liquori Costa dei Trabocchi

Authentic liqueurs born from the exclusive collaboration between the Michele Jannamico Distillery and the Costa dei Trabocchi® Citrus Association.

Amaro Costa dei Trabocchi

A rich and balanced liqueur, the result of passionate botanical research

Aperitivo Costa dei Trabocchi

Elegant, soft, with marked orange notes with herbaceous and pleasantly bitter hints.

Lemoncello Costa dei Trabocchi

The only lemon liqueur made with lemons from the Agrumi della Costa dei Trabocchi association®. Citrus fruits of ancient in-digenous varieties are cultivated in a natural way by the sea.

Gin J7 Costa dei Trabocchi

We have distilled the essence of our coast to be able to enjoy the sensation of sipping a Gin-tonic by the sea at all times.